Thursday, August 25, 2016

#NAAugust Week Four, Day 25: Beyond The Contemporaries - Angelborn by L. Penelope

Hosted by Books Are My Fandom
 So we met the lovely L. Penelope last year at Baltimore Book Festival and got to sit through one of her inspiring panels about inclusivity in books
October 2015 Bmore Book Fest

I'm always looking for sistas who are authors that write New Adult as well, and talking with L. we learned her mission to incorporate more Black women in speculative fiction.

It should come at no surprise I found her lovely title that just happened to be NA, but be the judge for yourself!

Reasons why I chose Angelborn:

~There's a fine ass male MC, but just the reviews I've read mentioned it's characters are all pretty lovable, and avoid common tropes in PNR if you're looking for a fresh take.

~Angel lore on red bull. It is called Angelborn after all, but it not only incorporates Nephilim, but an interesting twist to souls(I love books that deal with sould XD )

~It's short and sweet, so you can be impressed and move on to book two in a flash!

~The cover is SUPER gorgeous!

L. Penelope has so many great books to get acquainted with so hit up all those links and curl up to new books!


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