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I swear, this is the last Rebekah Weatherspoon book I'll suggest this month XD(other months? eh, we'll see).
Blame it on the fact she has so many good ones. Okay, technically today's cheating, since I highlighted another book in this particular series, but it should be even more reason to consider it, since you'd get to start from the beginning with today's pick!
Reasons why I chose Better Off Red:
~It's the first book in her Vampire Sorority Sisters trilogy, so it gives a better look at the world from the beginning!
~It's an entire trilogy dedicated to Vampires, F/F, New Adult! A flippin' hat trick ;p
~As the series goes on, you get a ton of size and racial diversity, which is pretty awesome!
~Come on, it's Rebekah Weatherspoon XD
I've had a bunch of fun highlighting her New Adult books, so I hope you have just as much fun looking them up and giving them a try =D !
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