So we officially close our Black Speculative Fiction Month event starting tomorrow, with our usual Martial Artist Spotlight, but we just have one more interview left.
We almost met this author back in early October, when we ventured to Sacramento for KidLitCon. Obviously because we'd never been, and lack of time management, we weren't able to cross paths.
But we saved one of the best interviews for last on our Black Speculative Month event. His book "Among The Veils" made our Top Ten list of spec fic titles featuring Bi/Multi-Racial protganists of African descent.
Author Bret Alexander Sweet is always a pleasure to have on the blog. Here's what he has to say about Black Speculative Fiction Month.
1. Black Speculative Fiction Month is relatively new, but most, especially authors, have responded well to it. Had you heard of it before? If so, how? If not, what prompted you to learn more?
We almost met this author back in early October, when we ventured to Sacramento for KidLitCon. Obviously because we'd never been, and lack of time management, we weren't able to cross paths.
But we saved one of the best interviews for last on our Black Speculative Month event. His book "Among The Veils" made our Top Ten list of spec fic titles featuring Bi/Multi-Racial protganists of African descent.
Author Bret Alexander Sweet is always a pleasure to have on the blog. Here's what he has to say about Black Speculative Fiction Month.
1. Black Speculative Fiction Month is relatively new, but most, especially authors, have responded well to it. Had you heard of it before? If so, how? If not, what prompted you to learn more?
in fact the concept was brand new until you two introduced it to me. I
love the idea though. Anything that it is encouraging black people to
read or exposes as many audiences as possible to the literary works that
black are producing, I am in full support of. I know for a fact that
reading is weight lifting for the brain. The research shows that
literacy has a huge effect on job readiness, college acceptance and
mental health; positively or negatively. Those three components are
pretty much deciding factors in poverty. Reading is not a silver bullet
for every problem but it sure is a good pathway for approaching problem
solving. Plus reading is cost effective like soccer. It doesn't require
a lot of capital to get into. I am a big fan of reading.
2. Do you think there is a different take on Speculative Fiction for writers of color?
Absolutely. There are some unspoken stereotypes about writers of color.
The assumption is they come from an academic background or liberation
spiritual movements, because many have. They are known for historical
fiction or treatises of the soul. Knowledge of self, find your light in
the darkness type writing.That is say one "box" that writers of color
automatically get put into. Then there is the writer artist. Let's say
the poet or the celebrity biography. Equally important as the list
before but also another "box". Then on the other extreme we have the
"keep it real" writers of color. The juke joints on the page.
Infidelity, murder, betrayal and revenge. These are necessary too
because they reflect a slice of reality but they are also a "box". The
underlying assumption is that writers of color do not touch speculative
is probably when we should do the one a bit. Do a Google search and you
will find the following definition: Speculative fiction is a
broad literary genre
encompassing any fiction with supernatural, fantastical, or
futuristic elements. Most folks agree Robert Heinlein coined the phrase.
Stranger in a strange land elements which is probably why he didn't
feel it applied to fantasy. There is a interesting paradox in there.
Writers of color probably identify these elements the most. With
everything going in the United States right now, how can you not feel
like a stranger in a strange land as a black male? Realistically, if we
are to blend the boxes I mentioned before, where would you find them?
Speculative fiction. To me its the logical choice for writers of color.
is also interesting to note that when writers of color deal with the
supernatural it is somehow not seen as urban fantasy or urban science
fiction. I am not sure why completely. Usually it is put into the box of
"magical realism". This is especially true with writers dealing with
the Latin American diaspora or African writers.
the real issue is there a different take by the audience of speculative
fiction for works done by writers of color. Yes. And we are not saved.
People love vampire books. They love werewolves. They love Underworld.
They are surprised to find out Underworld was written by a black man.
They shouldn't be. We still have a way to go in the speculative fiction
field in terms of the expectations of the audience tribes. Especially
with black people....older black people. I go to a lot of events that are
based around social justice, civil rights and the advancement of black
folks. It amazes me how many dollars go into books about hair or getting
even with some man who did you wrong. When I say "my book is modern
mythology for black folk" I get this look like "oh that's nice.....". We
have to do more to expand the expectation. You can't just get a tattoo
of an African god on your arm and stay afraid to read about them.
3. Do
you consider yourself a Speculative Fiction writer? What does Black
Speculative Fiction Month mean to you as an author? Why do you think
it's important to have a month solely for Speculative Fiction writers?
"I'm not a biter, I'm a writer for myself and others".......
am a writer. I wrote business plans, text books, research papers, blog
posts, role playing game scenarios, songs, diss tracks, etc. I am
writer. However I think the audience I have the largest and most vocal
following for is "Among The Veils". I can never decide what genre it is.
Maybe because genres and labels worry me. Urban sci fi fantasy? Modern
mythology? I like calling it urban speculative fiction.
Speculative Fiction Month is time to celebrate these art forms that are
specific to our diaspora and our experience here in North America. It
is important to highlight the month so the same young kids I see riding
the trains rocking their cosplay from Attack On Titan or Guardians of
the Galaxy know they have the write similar stories about
their experience as black people. Being black is great. It's wonderful.
The more people who participate and celebrate blackness, the better of
the planet will be. Black Speculative Fiction month is also very
important because it is an opportunity to bring in the other audiences I
was mentioning before. Try it you'll like. It's like pho.....
I first started dating my then girlfriend, now wife, she wanted to get
pho. I had never had the stuff but everyone kept talking about it. Where
I live here in the Bay Area, its very popular. I went on Google and
looked it up. Vietnamese soup. Okay I love Vietnamese food but $7 for
some soup? Come on, son! I told her I wasn't feeling it and I wanted to
get jerk chicken instead. She had never tried Jamaican food so she
didn't want to compromise either. I agreed to try her favorite food if
the week after we could get jerk chicken. She took me to get some Pho
and said "try'll like it".
Two spoons later, I was in love with pho. Try it, you'll like it.
4. Do you have any favorite Speculative Fiction writers of African descent? What makes their work stand out to you?
Butler - She is probably the mother of BSF. Other than comic book
writers, you didn't really see a black voice woven into a world shared
by aliens or psychics or vampires. She gets a lot of support for her
Parable series but I think it was her Patternmaster series that
motivated. I also feel she confronted some of those boxes I mentioned
earlier with her Kindred novel.
Reed - He is most likely the father with the themes he brought out in
Mumbo Jumbo. It was also prescient when you consider how much of
marketing and movements through social media are considered for their
"viral" effects.
Bell - I don't know that Bell wrote anything else like "And Yet We Are
Not Saved". What an incredible attempt though. I don't want to spoil the
premise but at one point a civil rights lawyer travels back in time and
uses an energy shield to lock down the Continental Congress. She makes
the architects of the United States defend why they didn't abolish
slavery at the formation of the country.
Morrison - You know Morrison's work tends to get shelved under African
American literature. When you look at works such as Song of Solomon,
Beloved and Sula, it as much magical realism as anything else.
Okri - Ben is a Nigerian who spent alot of time in London. I think
there is some resonance between the African in England and the African
brought to America. Especially with Nigerians. I think that is part of
the reason Idris Elba is so popular with young people. You hear it
Fela's music. You hear it in reggae. What's fascinating about Ben's
writing is his ability to parallel the politics of post-colonial
Nigerian to the spiritual realm.
5. How do you plan on celebrating BSFM? What is some advice for readers looking to honor the event?
one, I am trying to read some new authors I haven't read before. I am
ashamed to say that I am just now starting to get into Tananarive
Due which is cold because she comes from the same parts as my father's
family. I am also working to promote other black speculative fiction
authors like J. Malcolm Stewart who wrote "The Eyes Of The Stars" and
Theolonius Legend who wrote "Sins Of The Father". Hopefully by next year
I can promote some black women doing speculative fiction.
best advice I can give readers is do your part to get your community
out of the box. I am a bit of a fire brand, I know this but it comes
from a place a love. If we have time to wax poetic about Game Of Thrones
on social media, we have time to read something where there are black
characters. If we can dvr True Blood, we can make time for these authors
as well. I say this a lot but if you watch Love & Hip Hop, you
should probably read some black speculative fiction because at least
that is being honest about the fact its not real.
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