Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Review: Cursed by Red Harvey

July 27th, 2013
Cursed by Red Harvey

I received this book as a request to review it. Half way into the book, I liked where it was going, so just decided to purchase it, as I prefer physical books to e-books. "Cursed" followed the exploits of a woman named "Imogen." She was able to see any person's future by looking them in the eye. It became more potent when she could touch them, but for the most part, she could see anyone's future.

It was a bit of a curse, more than a gift, as she predicted both of her sister's deaths, and realized she had no real power to change it. Most of the events of the book begin due to her return home to Florida. This is not all good and fun, as it is for her sister's funeral. She meets up with a childhood friend, and a lot of the events take off after he walks back into her life.

It did flow, but what I will say, it was much better in the beginning than towards the end. The first half of the book was simple, and well done(especially if this is an Indie effort). But the second half of the book seemed like a completely different story. I relied on what I read from the first 100 pages, to take me to the next 126 pages, and it was confusing at times. The world building was mainly in the back story, and it made sense, so point earned. It was a little predictable in some efforts.

I found Imogen more relatable in the first half. When she became a type of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", she was less relatable. I liked that she was able to defend herself, and well at that. But men tended to rule her judgement at times. She just didnt seem in the right state of mind when sex was involved. The conflict was plenty, but Imogen frustrated me sometimes XD. She often knew the right thing to do and didnt do it XD.

I don't read a lot books like this(it seems more horror-romance-erotica) but it's paranormal elements kept me a reader. It had ALOT of sex in it. I don't normally read books with sex in them. And Im no saint or anything, I just don't. But I am glad I read it. 

Grammar wise, it could have used a little more editing, but Im not a grammar nazi, so I'll give it the point. Sometimes the story relied on "telling" rather than "showing", but it was still understood. Dialogue and beats wise, it was a pretty good effort, and the POV is clear.

There weren't a lot of characters in this book. So as far as diversity went, with the small amount of characters, I'd say there was a lot of diversity. It took from Native American tribes "Utiza" and "Morcoso". I couldn't find much on "Morcoso", but it was a heavy influence. Her love interest was Native American, and so were the villains, as well as a British character towards the end. Imogen herself was some what of a Latina. Im not sure how far along the line it was for her, but she was a direct descendant of Hernando de Soto.

The book didn't rely on stereotypes, and seemed as if it required a lot of research which was refreshing. Diversity wise, in the way I rate, it get all the quarter points(1 full point). The title, while it fits the book, it's a bit vague. I think if I saw that in a book store, based on the title I wouldn't pick it up. Im not a grammar nazi, but I am a diversity nazi. It having diversity, I think if would have had anything to do with the Spanish or Native American culture, I would have instantly picked it up. The cover art is ok. Im sure it would captivate a man, but as a woman, it would leave me to put it down(assuming I know nothing about it). Character names were amazing and unique. All Imogen's sisters as well as herself had infamous leading ladies in Shakespeare's plays.  The author described the characters well enough so that I wasn't confused on how they looked. Overall I did enjoy it, and look forward to any effort Red Harvey has in the future =D

It's been some time since I've read this, so I can't be a good judge to dreamcast it.

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