Thursday, February 12, 2015


It's Black History Month.

A part of me is grateful of the fight for everyone to know all the contributions Black people have done in the world. A part of me is resentful that Black History is one of the shortest months of the year, and often forgotten not more than a day or two after it ends, particularly the ones who don't care to learn about the Black men and women who've shaped history, and by history, I mean everyone's history.

Let us not forget the contributions to the world Blacks from countries outside of the USA have made. As an American, I think Blacks from the UK and Europe, Latin America, Caribbean and even the place where it all started, Africa, often don't gain reach or are overlooked because they're not from the US.

With time, I hope we all understand we come from the same diaspora.

Let's start learning more about Black women and man all over the world =)

This is a book blog, and I had all these plans to do it big for Black History Month. I even came up with an awesome hashtag called #BlackHistoryShapesAllHistory !

But at first I wanted to focus solely on Afro-Latinos. Then I read about the issues Black British people face. At times American voices outweigh their own, and their history becomes lost within ours(Americans) so I thought about expanding it to feature Black Britons who've contributed to history.

But then I knew I'd be leaving Africa out, which should be a big no-no whenever dealing with Black History, and before I knew it, it was the 11th of February. A short month like this doesn't leave you with as much time to plan things last minute, which is what I normally do XD

But instead of trying to scrap the rest of the month up and start, maybe it's better to highlight the best people blogging about Black History this month. 

It's a win-win. Not only would they be more organized than us, but any traffic we could provide, could help these great resources continue to go strong =D

If Im just going to copy them anyway, why not at least lead people to them!

The Brown Book Shelf hosts a #28DaysLater event every year. They highlight Black authors and illustrators for the entire month. With our annual Diversity Month, we understand how much work that is. If you're not a blogger who blogs every single day, on top of them being meaningful posts, know that all the effort they put into a month long event is time consuming and energy draining.

Most book bloggers don't get paid, so imagine posting everyday, on top of your day job, responsibilities, obligations, and all the crazy. We hope you find your way to see The Brown Book Shelf's worthy event.

CBC Books is hosting a month of celebrating books by Black Canadian authors. Canada, despite being neighbors, have gotten gobbled by the American narrative, so it's really important that we celebrate not just American authors of African descent, but that we learn more about Canadian politics, and how it affects them, as well as us.

Take in mind, that People of Color in European Art History do this ALL YEAR ROUND. But our brothers and sisters in Europe often have to fight to prove their existence has been present for a long time in their own countries of birth. While they don't really highlight books, visual art is one of the most unique was to showcase Black History, because we uh, wouldn't want to be culturally inaccurate.

The Facebook group State of Black Science Fiction doesn't have one way of highlighting black history. They highlight books, visual artwork, post articles, and so many other awesome things that celebrate the contributions Blacks have made throughout history.

Latina Gabi over on tumblr is highlighting Black Latinos who've made contributions to history. I totally wanted to do that, but since she's doing it better, I'd rather highlight her, sit back and learn, than to borrow her shine =)

Dash Harris over at Diaspora Dash isn't celebrating it per say, but her tumblr blog highlights black women from all over the world.

The blog My Queer Agenda is shining some light on very important people, points and events that left an impact on mainstream media for Black History Month.

There are probably many more. If you know any, I'd be glad to add some. 

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