We were happy to have connected with this author through a Goodreads thread after she approached us with her Science Fiction/Fantasy themed novel, Indigo Incite.
Through a few emails back and forth we learned that Her latest book, Indigo Incite featured many elements my sister and I adore. TWINS,Interracial couples(Both twin boys in this story had POC love interests), and nearly half the ensemble cast were POC.
1. Tell us a little about yourself and pitch your Indigo Trilogy to our readers!Through a few emails back and forth we learned that Her latest book, Indigo Incite featured many elements my sister and I adore. TWINS,Interracial couples(Both twin boys in this story had POC love interests), and nearly half the ensemble cast were POC.
My grandmother introduced me to the concept of Indigo Children almost six years ago before my third child was born. She knew that I had always wanted to be a writer and suggested that the concept of Indigo Children, as a basis for a story, would be fascinating for the young adult audience. I mulled the idea around for awhile, and then one day, while I was sitting at my desk at work eating lunch, the entire concept for the Indigo Trilogy hit me. I frantically began to scribble the idea down on a piece of scrap paper and by the time my lunch break was over, I had a rough outline of the story and characters.
3.Because here at Twinja Book Reviews we promote diversity in Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Paranormal themed books, how important was it for you to include characters of different backgrounds?
It was never a question for me whether or not I should include multicultural characters. In fact, I never really considered what each nationality should be in the story. Each character came to life in my mind and I simply wrote from that character's point of view. It would have seemed more odd to create characters that were all Caucasian, as so many stories seem to do, because that isn't true to life. The world is a conglomeration of multiculturalism, and even though Indigo Incite is science fiction, I wanted to keep as many aspects as possible as realistic as possible, thus I have characters that represent five different cultural backgrounds.
4.As an author who includes diverse characters into her writing, we have to ask, Is it harder writing characters that don't share your heritage?
Not at all. As I mentioned, the characters came to life in my mind. Liliana is Chinese, Eddie is Native American and Hispanic, Rebecka is African American and Caucasian, and it was no more difficult to write from their point of view than it was, for example, Tyler and Toby, who are both boys. As a woman, I can write from a guy's point of view just as easily as I can from another culture. Perhaps it helped that I lived in Seattle until I was thirteen and most of my friends were Asian and African American, so I am very familiar with the Chinese and African American cultures. I later moved to Montana and lived on an Indian Reservation, so I am also quite familiar with the Native American culture. I now live in Arizona which is rich with both the Native American and Hispanic cultures. It is my hope that one day the representation of multicultural characters will be prevalent across literature, television, and movies.
5.Do you feel particularly loyal to the genre of your first book?Or do you plan on genre hopping throughout your writing career?
No, I wouldn't say loyal. For now, I will continue to write YA because I am finishing the Indigo Trilogy. I already have another trilogy planned which is also YA, but I also have a spin-off planned from the Indigo Trilogy that will feature only two of the characters, and I plan on that one to either by NA or Adult. I can definitely say however that I plan to stick to science fiction or paranormal because those are the types of stories that I am drawn to. The what-if's and endless possibilities in life are what drive my imagination.
6.In your experience, has writing a book with diverse characters been a struggle to pitch to readers?
No, in fact, if anything, I have found that the knowledge that there are diverse characters has drawn more interest to the story. Once again, another reason why more authors should start including multicultural characters!
7.What do you wish you saw more of in YA, Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Paranormal books?
I would like to see more realistic characters, characters obviously that represent multicultural backgrounds, but also characters who aren't perfectly thin and perfectly popular. I would love to see main characters who are blind, hard of hearing, or physically handicapped in some way.
8.What do you consider the most memorable line in your book?
Seriously, I'm supposed to pick one memorable line from seven main characters? :-) *sigh* Okay, I looked back but I can't pick one simple line. I can pick a paragraph though :-) Here goes:
A home. A family. It was a tantalizing idea, but he still couldn’t get over the fact that he had been kidnapped and drugged for the past two weeks. That wasn’t the way family treated each other. Jesse made the whole thing sound like a fairy tale. According to him, he had been whisked away from a life of poverty and had lived happily ever after. Was it really that simple? Toby had his doubts.“I sense that you still have your doubts,” Jesse read his mind.
Toby was taken aback. Other than his brother, he wasn’t used to having anyone else inside of his head.
A home. A family. It was a tantalizing idea, but he still couldn’t get over the fact that he had been kidnapped and drugged for the past two weeks. That wasn’t the way family treated each other. Jesse made the whole thing sound like a fairy tale. According to him, he had been whisked away from a life of poverty and had lived happily ever after. Was it really that simple? Toby had his doubts.“I sense that you still have your doubts,” Jesse read his mind.
Toby was taken aback. Other than his brother, he wasn’t used to having anyone else inside of his head.
9.What is next for Jacinda Buchmann?
I am currently writing the second book in the trilogy, Indigo Instinct. I'm excited to say that I am a little over half way done and plan on the book to be released in late April or early May :-)
I have a few links where you can follow me and find out more about Indigo Incite. Here ya go :-)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JacindaBuchmann
Here's your chance to win her book "Indigo Incite!"
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