Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 2014 Martial Arts Spotlight of The Year: BooBoo Stewart

So...The year's about to end, and it's that time again! 

What better way to spend it than to highlight our Martial Artist Spotlight of the Year.

It should come as no secret that January and December are the months we hold out for our favorites. 

Our very first spotlight featured the legendary Bruce Lee, the ultimate martial artist, that still continues to inspire many, martial artist or not, to this day.

Since September, we promised you hotties, so it comes as a great pleasure to present the young buck:

BooBoo Stewart

Most people already know him for portraying Seth Clearwater in the cinematic release of The Twilight Saga. With his role as Warpath in the most recent X-Men film, his presence as a man of color in media in speculative fiction continues!

 Booboo was born Nils Allen, to a multicultural family of stunt men and women, as well as martial artists! When he competed regularly, he'd even won two Junior Martial Arts World Championships!

Now he is just too fine! Ima just keep scrolling up and down this post during my private time ;p


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