Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Authors, Black History Month and Michael B.Jordan!

Oh what a February it's been!

Im sure a few people have been wondering why @ Twinja Book Reviews, we chose not to highlight Black History Month. I mean, we are a book blog that highlights diversity, and Black History is often neglected or misrepresented most frequently in the United States.

Well here's the thing. We try to highlight Black authors, writers, and main protagonists EVERY month. In our reviews, the books we've read, or the books we plan to read, or the authors we try to highlight. And that goes for any other marginalized group. If were going to highlight Blacks in fiction, or any marginalized group for that matter, we don't think it's cool to choose the shortest month of the year to do such.

To us, it's Black History Month every month. It's Latino History, Asian/Pacific Islander History, Disabled/Differently Abled History, LGBTQ History, and pretty much any marginalized group one can think up, EVERY month for us.

But with that being said, we wanted to shout out the many involved @ The Brown Book Shelf for highlighting a different Black author each day of February. Many of the authors we didn't know, and it definitely made us pay attention. From our diversity month back in December 2013, that is very hard to do. It takes a lot of work, and we just thought they deserved acknowledgment for such.

We also wanted to introduce people to a new author we've become aware of. Sheryl Sorrentino will hopefully be joining us for our February interview to discuss her fourth novel "Stage Daughter."
She was very awesome to allow us to interview her so last minute, so we hope everyone enjoys, as well as check out her novel "Stage Daughter" as well as her other works.

Still haven't forgotten our martial artist spotlight. Olympic bronze winner Paige McPherson will grace our highlight on the 28th, so we hope everyone checks our highlight on her as well.

Lastly, isn't it just great news that Michael B.Jordan recently was cast as the new Johnny Storm!
Ignoring the haters, Hollywood finally confirmed his fine ass will indeed play Johnny Storm. Now if Hollywood would've only been as understanding with casting a woman of color for Sue. Was Keke Palmer not available? Not to say Johnny can't be from a transracial adoption, or biracial. But it would've been awesome to see an awesome tag team of siblings who were both people of color. Either way, congrats Kate Mara!


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