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So I read this book last year and was pretty surprised. I'll usually read any speculative fiction with characters of color, but vampire lore is something that is hard to catch my attention as of yet, since I like getting acquainted with other monsters, but I jumped at the chance to read it since it was NA!
I read it before an awesome audiobook was released and this super fab new cover came out, but I'm completely qualified to tell you why you should read this book ;p
Reasons why I chose Running In The Dark:
~Trace was a total beta, which I am a complete sucker for. I know books with vamp dudes are usually alpha, but eh...I kinda like nice guys, so I think it appealed to me that he wasn't an ass. Plus he had a Russian accent. That probably helped.
~I felt the love scene did justice to a former survivor of sexual trauma. The main character Bessina had survived a sexual assault a few months prior to the events of the book, and a total alpha wouldn't have worked for her given her past trauma(or at least with my bias, I don't think it would've). It wasn't rushed or forced and even though they hadn't known each other long, it felt like it respected past trauma survivors.
~The story is told in a single day, which makes it also easy to read in a single day. Basically whatever can go wrong does. Even though it is told in a single day, it's not an insta-love story =)
~That cover is awesome!
Anyway, do yourself a favor and hit up that audiobook. It didn't exist when I read it, so I re-bought it for a re-read soon!
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