Friday, August 5, 2016

#NAAugust Week One, Day 5: Getting Started in New Adult - That Thing Between Eli & Gwen by J.J. McAvoy

Okay, so this is a book on my TBR list, and I've been meaning to read it because...


But mainly because I hear it's a funny book with tons of sexual tension, and that's one of the fun things about New Adult. My homie Gianna reviewed it, but here are some reasons I definitely have to get to it.

Reasons I chose That Thing Between Eli & Gwen:

~BLACK GUINEVERE. That is all...

~Just from reviews, I can tell it's super funny. I wish more New Adult Romances took themselves less serious.

~It's not an insta-love story, if that's not your cuppa.

~I hear that sexual tension is high @_@


 The author of this book knows how to put in work, and is best known for multicultural romances, so do yourself a favor and click some links!


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